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cheap The Sopranos dvd

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cheap The Sopranos dvd Empty cheap The Sopranos dvd

Post  cutexin Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:28 am

I received my copy from Amazon of HBO's series "TRUE BLOOD" a couple of days ago and The Sopranos collection series have been on a marathon session viewing the disks. I enjoyed the books and was elated to learn that the books had been translated to cable TV. I had no intention True Blood seasons 1-2 dvd of writing a review. I came here to read the reviews and to learn if I'd missed some perspective of the show; I didn't come here to get ticked off but that happened. Books are books, and all books are biased to charm a certain audience, mostly in order to charm money out of the buy 24 hours season 1-8 pocket of the reader. TV is The Unit complete episodes on dvd TV, and ALL of TV -- cable and commercial -- is stilted, Six Feet Under dvd complete set twisted, tilted, written and repeatedly rewritten, and then stretched beyond recognition from its original conception to (the writers, directors and producers think) appeal to a very wide audience, most of whom have the mentality of idiots with 8TH grade educations, hence the need for sensationalism, erotica, and far too much profanity. TV Breaking Bad 1-2dvd series has to have a draw, otherwise TV shows fail, and all those involved in the production lose money, money, money. Those considerations in mind, I'm not overly disappointed with the HBO series as each (book and TV) is a different entity with limitations and specialized commerical requirements (it's all about salability, babe), and those limitatins should be buy Californication season 1-3 at the forefront in the mind of Curb Your Enthusiasm season dvds collection each consumer if that consumer wishes to make an objective evaluation. However, I am severely disappointed by the various reviewers and their quirky attitudes. Sorry, but I don't have time or the inclination to quote each reviewer and how/why I disagree with that particular reviewer. In as far as the written version of "Sookie Stackhouse's" travails go, I do prefer the books because the reader becomes involved and must use his/her imagination, something that seems to be in short supply with many people purchase Boston Legal on dvd boxset and explains a decided preference for TV viewing (most people have the attention span of a gherbil). TV does not require the degree of involvement that reading requires, nor does TV require that the viewer be literate. As the saying goes, "TV is a no brainer." So it seems. And so it seems that many of the viewers and reviewers more than adequately qualify for the epithat, since all TV requires is Oz 1-6 boxset collection that one sit back and watch. A very sedantary form of recreation and addictive. In praise of the books and the series, it The King of Queens 1-9 set seasons is a bold new twist on vampire lore, which is the most prevailing reason to read the books and the watch the series . . . if either format Dexter 1-4 seasons boxset is your cup of tea. If neither format suits you, then dvds Buffy the Vampire Slayer you may be content to sit in a corner and twiddle your thumbs. As for the series, the acting (for the most part) was uninspired and tepid, and the continuity director was apparently absent from the set during filming. The best acting, in my opinion, was provided by "Vampire Bill" and "Vampire Eddie." It's odd that actors portraying dead men (Vampires are regenerated dead, remember?)could evoke more sympathy and show more human compassion than their warm-blooded counterparts. Stephen Moyer, whom one reviewer panned as having an unconvincing Southern accent, does the best job with the role he signed to play and had the most Angel 1-5 set consistent Southern accent, quite a remarkable and laudable accomplishment for a Brit. Thus far, Mr. Moyer appears to be the only true actor in a major role in this series, and the only actor not over the top. Many of the other characters had spotty accents. "Tara," cheap The Sopranos dvd for example, flucuated in her accent from an Oklahoma accent, to an Arkansas accent, both combined with a touch of a Southern Florida accent, while having no trace of a detectable Northern Louisiana accent. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia seasons 1-5 boxset Most disconcerting and confusing. I don't know who the dialog coach was, but he/she does not deserve a raise and should have put in some overtime--for free. Or be replaced. At first I didn't understand the reason for greater part of the air time being dedicated on "Jason," "Tara," and "Lafayette," all fairly minor book characters but necessary devices to move the story forward -- in the books. Apparently, these strange devices and the odd characterisations were the sensationalism for the cable TV series (hence all the gratuitous and vigorous "sex" and unnecessary nudity) and also because this was a direct way to translate the book character "Sookie's" thoughts, a means (and a mean device) to move the story forward without using voice-over. Well, duh. Incidentally, since I'm on a roll, I understand that showing the many . . . uh, hmmm . . . libidinous encounters "Jason" had was a device to show his amoral nature and to provide the reason for suspecting him of committing a number of horrific crimes.


Posts : 30
Join date : 2011-01-07

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